Employees are consumers of employers
15/10/2021 - Abstract

Just like customers have always been consumers of product and service providers, employees are the new consumers of employers.
In a recent recruitment survey (June 2021), the highest priority of a person looking for a potential employer was reported to be the Company or Organisation having a flexible working policy within an inclusive culture. These are no longer discretionary items that may attract a certain type of employee. These are essential items that may determine the breadth and depth of their human talent or even the longevity of an Organisation’s workforce.
The need to be a socially responsible Organisation to retain and attract new customers has moved up the corporate agenda considerably in recent years. However, the need for employers to be more socially responsible towards their employees is also here but has seldom appeared as a burning priority… until now!
With the introduction of post-pandemic ‘Hybrid Working’, employees are looking towards achieving a more productive and efficient work-life balance. This means they are consciously activating ‘choice’ to achieve their desired outcomes. Conscious choice is a powerful driving force, that once conceived is hard to extinguish.
Similarly, with the high-profile death of George Floyd and the recent rise of the Black Lives Matter movement, employees are expecting their Employers to demonstrate care and consideration for everyone in the workplace. Strong and considerate leadership, driving an inclusive culture for all, right through the Organisation is the ordre du jour.
There are currently 1.1 million vacant jobs being advertised in all sectors across the UK (Sept 2021). Therefore, in an employee’s market, it makes perfect sense for employers to modernise and future proof their Organisation, so it is fit for today’s social objectives and tomorrow’s new challenges.
ABSTRACT deliver learning and development programmes that promote inclusive leadership, career management for women and other underrepresented groups, and building modern-day businesses’ fit for today’s social objectives. Visit their website for more details.
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