Two Point Zero ‘Big Hoot’ owl revealed
22/06/2022 - Two Point Zero IT

Fifty owl statues landed in Ipswich this weekend for the launch of the St. Elizabeth Hospice ‘Big Hoot’ Art Trail.
Amongst the colorful arrivals was ‘Feeling Hoot Hoot Hoot’ the owl sponsored by local IT Support company TwoPoint Zero, painted by Ipswich artist Jo Burrows of My Little PaintPot.
The art trail started with a 5k Hoot Hike around the town and Two Point Zero was on hand to supply water to participants. They also welcomed the 20 winners of their recent writing competition.
“This had been such a fantastic event for Two Point Zero to be involved with,” said Director Billy Brundle, “it was really exciting to see our owl after months of planning and preparation, he is a very eye-catching addition to the trail and we are incredibly proud of him”
The owls will remain in situ around the town all summer and the town hall has been turned into ‘Hoot Headquarters’. A Big Hoot app can be downloaded so that members of the public can digitally track their owl spotting and access sponsors’ offers and prizes.
“We would encourage everyone to come and visit the town and get owl spotting,” Billy said.
‘Feeling Hoot Hoot Hoot’ can be seen at the St Stephens entrance to The Buttermarket.
More information about the Hospice and the Big Hoot can be found here >
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