Revitalise holiday centre in Essex supports NHS during pandemic by accepting hospital patients
24/06/2020 - Revitalise

The Revitalise holiday centre in Chigwell, which has just this year refurbished its reception and entertainment lounge, is welcoming patients who are not suffering from the COVID-19 virus in order to free up beds for patients who are, relieving pressure on the NHS and ensuring availability of space for more critical patients.
General Manager at Jubilee Lodge Terry Gray said “The whole team at Revitalise is very proud to be able to support the NHS and help fight the crisis at a time like this. However, we are looking forward to welcoming our guests back for more unforgettable holidays once we emerge from COVID-19 and we can go back to what we do best – providing great holidays!”
Revitalise Sandpipers in Merseyside is offering their facilities to disabled people who need urgent care-supported respite following isolation. Revitalise are welcoming people no longer able to receive the care they need at home or if lockdown has been a struggle, with their mental health, anxiety or feelings of isolation. Revitalise Netley Waterside House in Hampshire are accepting some hospital patients and some disabled people. In order to reduce the risk of anyone catching the virus, Revitalise have full infection control policies and procedures in place.
Coming out in support of the move, the charity’s Vice President Dame Judi Dench said: “It is times like these that make me so proud to be Revitalise’s Vice President. Our wonderful NHS is under a great deal of strain, and during this difficult time, kindness and support will help them to fight the crisis. That is exactly what Revitalise are doing. I know how valuable the work they do for disabled people and their carers is, and I am thrilled to see that they are supporting both disabled people and the NHS during such a critical time.”
Many disabled people are supported by one family member, or a private carer who visits them at home, and can very quickly be at risk if that person becomes ill – unable to get support, or even basic supplies.
Anybody who is worried about whether their care support at home can continue, should contact Revitalise, who are able to offer long or short stays with full care support in place.
For further info about Revitalise visit their website here.
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