How Three Eggs Mental Health Training can save your business money
8/09/2020 - 3 Eggs

Three Eggs training could you save your business up to £2564 per employee per year and make your employees 3x more productive simply by showing you how to better communicate with your staff.
You would probably assume that these returns require a huge financial investment – but with recent reports suggesting that investing in staff mental health can bring a ROI of up to £9 for every £1 invested and Three Eggs training courses starting from a modest £50, you could be making money,
“For many employers dealing with mental health in the workplace is uncomfortable territory, but ignoring the problem doesn’t make it go away”, says Three Eggs Director, George Bradley, “in fact ignoring mental health problems can be more costly than taking action”.
Whilst 12.8million working days were lost to work related stress, anxiety and depression in 2019 the cost of presenteeism to an organisation is estimated to be 1.5 times greater than absenteeism.
Some action is better than nothing?
It may seem that doing ‘something’ to address organisation mental health issues is better than nothing but an ill-thought out or unsupported strategy can be almost completely inaffective, with study’s showing that reactive EAP is as low as 1% of all employees in an organisation.
“If you really want to make an organisation wide difference then Three Eggs PEAP (Proactive Employment Assistance Programme) is a person centred, full range solution”.
Traditional EAP programmes often provide the support or foundations without an ongoing formula or redress. Whilst giving staff access to a helpline number or promoting an open-door policy.
“Fundamental to what we do is our belief that creating a positive mental health culture means working with the whole organisation to change language, embed a new way of thinking and provide on-going support that everyone can access” Louise Newby, fellow Director at Three Eggs Training confirms.
Three Eggs PEAP programme starts, and continues, with interaction – using diagnostic tools to assess the organisation wide state of mental health, reviewing HR policies and procedures to ensure that positive mental health practices are embedded throughout. From this a step-by-step plan is made to embed strategies across the whole organisation.
Whilst this is the point at which many EAP programmes cease to be interactive Three Eggs maintain employee engagement with strategies including workshops, e-learning courses and identifying and training designated Mental Health First Aiders.
“We help Mental Health First Aiders to keep the positive mental health culture alive by providing them with monthly briefing packs on different topics to share with their teams” Louise explains.
Three Eggs also offer their own email and phone line support so that momentum continues long after the initial stages.
“We give clients and their teams direct access to individuals who can help them. Immediately. No waiting for GP appointments or specialist referrals, they are at the end of the phone ready to offer support and advice exactly when its needed.”
“They can also contact our dedicated team for advice and support when they need it. We organise regular Reflective Practice groups, where team members come together with a member of our clinical team to share their experiences of workplace mental health and talk about coping strategies and success stories”.
If you want to provide your staff with effective, proactive mental health support that will benefit your business now and in the long term contact Three Eggs Training, or tel: 01284 245990
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