Attwells Solicitors opens new branch in the heart of Colchester
10/01/2019 - Attwells Solicitors

Attwells solicitors is the leading property firm in East Anglia. They are committed to helping its clients to get ahead. Their lawyers are positive and enjoy strong personal relationships with their clients.
Announced on 7th January, it’s been confirmed that Attwell Solicitors will have a presence in this historic Essex town from the 1st March 2019.
Senior Partner Nick Attwell commenting on the acquisition and opening of a new Colchester Offices said: “Attwells Solicitors act for a lot of clients in Essex and the opening of a new office in the heart of historic Colchester will enable us to get closer to them. I hope we can build new client relationships too. A number of the senior leadership team live in Essex and therefore for them the Colchester Office marks a return home. Attwells already has strong links with the Departments of Law at the University of Essex and Anglia Ruskin and a number of local schools, colleges and charities and is looking forward to playing an even more active part in community life in Colchester.”
The new offices will be situations on 18 North Hill and 21 Nunns Road, Colchester, Essex.
Attwells is an approachable law firm that offers transparent fixed fees to its clients and progression and personal growth for the team.
Pictured is Nick Attwell at the new offices – photo credit Nick Attwell.
For more information on Attwells please visit their website here.
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