Home Marketing & PR Why Your CBD Company Needs To Have More Of A Digital Platform
Why Your CBD Company Needs To Have More Of A Digital Platform
1/07/2021 - Shane Barker

CBD is an up-and-coming industry that requires careful planning in order to be successful. This means you should be operating digitally in order to reach as many consumers as possible.
Answering Queries Instantly
When you have a CBD digital platform, you will be able to answer consumer questions as soon as they ask. This can help with making a quick sale, or reassuring a customers worry about what CBD will do for them. This could be in the shape of forums or emails, either way, you need to be able to help customers out on many different digital platforms.
Improving Your Brand
Being set up online allows you to grow your brand quicker. This is because it allows you to market your products across a greater range of people, either domestically or internationally, depending on your preference. Digital marketing is the primary way in which CBD businesses advertise their products.
A CBD business which doesn’t have any sort of digital platform or outlet is a CBD business that will not last long. Consider working with other CBD suppliers so that you can both grow organically, with both benefiting.
Community Building
Communities are important for any industry or business, but even more so for up-and-coming industries such as CBD. Communities contain a group of people who come together and are passionate about something, and if you manage to do that for your product and business, then you will most likely see some success.
Sharing ideas helps people to see things from a different perspective. Going back and forth can help improve ideas and understanding. For this to take effect though you need fresh ideas as you learn how to build your CBD community. You could create your own community website which allows customers to speak to each other as well as you, helping to improve brand loyalty. This could be in the shape of a forum, or using existing community sites such as Reddit or Facebook to create a page for fans, consumers and business-related individuals.
Social Media Importance
Related to communities are social media pages. For individuals, it’s a great way to share about your life, with events and changes. For businesses, it’s almost similar, except it’s a way to market products, with changes or alterations.
You should really consider your social media to be an extension of your sales tools. An effective social media platform is a great way to market a product and convince someone to buy from you compared to a competitor.
This is great for CBD businesses, as it’s still largely an unknown and untapped market, which means brands can reach potentially millions of people with a viral tweet or a small and cheap marketing campaign. Think of social media as word of mouth, where the more people that talk about your brand, the bigger the customer base will grow.
You need to ensure you have a product or brand that people will want to talk about, it’s not enough to use social media to put out multiple posts if no one is engaging with them in the first place. Quality is important for content, as this will help the traffic increase and convince them to stay in general.
Display Ads
Display ads can be placed on most websites. They allow a business to go to a blog or site and pay them a small fee for advertising. It could be that a small payment is made if anyone clicks on the advert, or an outright fee is paid for the advert to be hosted for an agreed amount of time.
Importantly, as a CBD business, you may have to consider that certain advertisers, such as Google AdSense, don’t allow for any cannabis advertising. This means you may have to go more direct in your application. There are lots of different ways to advertise with CBD, such as contacting cannabis friendly blogs, or finding a big traffic site that is open to it.
Creative Websites
Hosting your own creative website gives you complete control over how you advertise your product, and how you appear to a consumer. You could decide to make the website open for engagement, where you can let users leave reviews for future consumers to view, or even have a FAQ section.
You should make your website stand out from competitors within your industry, that will allow you to draw more traffic in out of curiosity to begin with, before they are convinced about the brand.
SEO Marketing
What many CBD businesses gave started doing, is utilising SEO techniques in order to grow digitally and gain more organic traffic. Successful businesses of all sorts will utilise some form of SEO even if they don’t realise it. It’s all about getting your website and product links to the top of the search page.
Influencer Marketing
One great way in which you can drive up sales within your business, is by working with an influencer who has a big following. This will allow you to market your products to audiences you hadn’t considered, usually with a supplied first-time discount code for people to try.
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