Microsoft are getting ready to launch of Windows 11. Are you ready?
Contributed by Lucid Systems
5/08/2021 - Lucid Systems
Businesses know that protecting themselves against a wide range of online threats can be a full-time job in its own right. From phishing scams and malware to viruses and password attacks, there is always a new danger emerging. To fully protect your business, you must take the proper steps to increase your resilience as much as possible.
Lucid Systems often recommend to clients that they should strive to achieve Cyber Essentials certification. This is a highly sought-after accreditation that is backed by the UK government. It shows evidence that you are proactively protecting your business from malicious threats. Companies with Cyber Essentials certification can show that they have protected themselves from up to 80% of the world’s most common cyberthreats.
But there are some circumstances where it may be advantageous to upgrade your Cyber Essentials certification to the more advanced Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation. For example, if your business relies on working with partners within the public sector, having proof of your enhanced online security could be a mandatory requirement.
Cyber Essentials Plus certification goes beyond the basic security elements of Cyber Essentials. It is only available to those businesses who have had Cyber Essentials certification for a minimum of three months.
As an upgraded security certificate, Cyber Essentials Plus requires a comprehensive technical audit of your business. As part of this audit, businesses need to have a vulnerability scan of their systems and software to identify any potential issues. This will include an on-site assessment to check for any internal vulnerabilities within their systems, followed by an external off-site scan to confirm no apparent weaknesses could put them at risk.
Lucid Systems often recommends Cyber Essentials Plus as an option for those firms that rely on remote working. If your team is working across multiple locations (including the new home/office hybrid models of working), you need to be confident that your systems are as safe and secure as possible. Equally, suppose you outsource elements of your business to third-party contractors who can log in to your internal systems. In that case, you should consider upgrading to Cyber Essentials Plus to confirm the security of your infrastructure.
Lucid Systems work closely with clients across the East of England to help them improve their resilience to the growing myriad of online threats.
If you think your business could benefit from an advanced Cyber Essentials Plus certification, then the Lucid System team is here to help. Their highly trained team of IT technicians will begin the process by conducting an in-depth audit of your existing systems and processes. Then, they’ll identify your strengths and weaknesses and make recommendations for how you can improve your infrastructure – not just in terms of online security but also factoring in employee efficiency and productivity!
If you are ready to upgrade your Cyber Essentials accreditation to Cyber Essentials Plus, you may be interested to know that Lucid Systems can manage the application on your behalf. They will complete the paperwork and submit your application for you. They will undertake the various penetrative tests needed to confirm your security processes as part of their service. These penetrative tests could include checking to find any weaknesses that hackers could exploit to steal your login credentials. They will also use dedicated scanning software to identify if a hacker could access your internal systems and databases. Once these penetrative tests have been completed, the results will be converted into a security score that confirms how resilient you are to cybercrime and whether you have done enough to achieve a Cyber Essentials Plus accreditation.
To find out more about how Lucid Systems can protect your business against a wide range of online threats or help you to upgrade your existing Cyber Essentials certification to Cyber Essentials Plus, please get in touch with them directly.
Get in contact by calling 01473 355199 or visit lucidsystems.co.uk
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