Could Green fleets could help save lives this ‘Clean Air Day’?
Thursday 16th of June 2022 brings the 6th annual Clean Air Day, focusing on the extensive health implications of breathing polluted air. Whilst the latest figures from the SMMT Motorparc data reveal that 58.8% of all electric vehicles (EVs) on the road are company registered, urban air pollution accounts for 36,000 deaths in the UK, confirming more needs to be done to reduce vehicle emissions nationwide. Venson Automotive Solutions is calling on businesses to prioritise switching their fleet to electric, to improve the health of employees and the wider community.
The theme for the 2022 Clean Air Day campaign is: “Air pollution dirties every organ in your body. Take steps to improve your health this Clean Air Day”, with individuals, schools, businesses, health organisations, community groups and local authorities supporting the cause.
Alison Bell, Operations Director at Venson Automotive Solutions comments: “With road transport being one of the causes of air pollution, it’s a good place to start when looking to improve the quality of the air we breathe. With so many options for electric and alternative fuel vehicles now available, switching to a greener vehicle could also be the easiest significant change any individual can make. At Venson we encourage businesses to consider green options like electric, hybrid and hydrogen to help reduce their fleet impact on the environment and the health of the population.”
As well as offering their drivers access to lower emissions vehicles, businesses can help reduce air pollution by cutting the number of journeys employees are asked to make, as well as promoting car sharing schemes. Fitting speed limiters on fleet vehicles can also reduce emissions, as they are at their lowest around 50 mph and rise dramatically above 70mph.
Alison Bell continued: “Fleet and procurement teams have a very important role to play in reducing business emissions. Embracing a ‘green fleet’ will go a long way to meeting not only their own organisation’s environmental targets but also the country’s.”
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