PLANS host “Getting Financially Fit” networking and lunch event
22/06/2022 - PLANS

The PLANS team are delighted to invite you to their next event on 20 July 2022, where they will be sharing useful tips to help you better understand and assess your financial circumstances. They will discuss how to make the most of the current economic climate and give you the tools necessary to make smart decisions when it comes to your finances.
It is not an easy time for many of us, and finances continue to be at the forefront of our minds. With the increased pressures we are all facing, and the impact on financial wellbeing, ‘Getting Financially Fit’ seemed like a pertinent topic for the PLANS team to cover.
Points of discussion will include:
- Making your Financial Wellbeing Plan
- Managing your emotions
- ISAs versus Pensions
- Cash Savings versus Stocks and Shares
- Making use of Workplace Benefits
Guest Speakers include Chartered Financial Planner Ainsley Bowyer, and Strategic Partnerships Group Manager Hannah Rockey from Brewin Dolphin. There will be an opportunity to network and to have some lunch, before the presentations, which will last around 30 minutes, followed by Q&A.
Wednesday 20th July 12pm-2pm
12pm to 12:45 arrival – Tea/coffee and sandwiches provided
13:00 to 13:30 – Presentation with guest speakers from Brewin Dolphin, Ainsley Bowyer and Hannah Rockey
13:30 to 13:45 – Q&A
14:00 – Close
Tickets are just £15 for this event, and are selling fast! Don’t miss out book your place TODAY!
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