Betafolio smashes through £500m AUM milestone
25/08/2021 - Betafolio

Betafolio, the low cost, high-tech turnkey model portfolio service, now has over £500m in AUM, thanks to a wave of support from UK advisers.
This remarkable increase in AUM has been achieved since launch, just 16 months ago.
Betafolio CEO, Abraham Okusanya, explains: “We’ve seen tremendous interest from advisers and we’re naturally delighted with this. As more and more advisory firms adopt the evidence-based investing approach, we continue to invest heavily in our technology and people to ensure that we continue to deliver on the superior service that we’re becoming known for as we scale the business.
“We’ll continue to bang the drum that it’s ludicrous that a typical MPS service charges 0.30% for what amounts to an IP on asset allocation. And that, with great technology, we can do it for less than a third of the average price (9bps)! We welcome the competition as more and more MPS providers wake up to the fact that the era of overpricing is over.”
This is a space that is ripe for disruption and the size of the market is huge. The UK adviser platform market currently stands at around c£600bn of assets and if it continues to grow at c15% a year as it’s done in the last few years, it’ll exceed £1tr in assets in the next 5 years. Much of the assets are in advisory model portfolios, which are notoriously time-consuming and inefficient to manage.
Discretionary MPS which accounts for less than 20% of the platform assets is the fastest growing investment segment on platforms. The problem is, traditional MPS is too costly because it’s typically provided by DFMs with a bloated cost base which they pass on to clients. Betafolio is on a mission to change all that. Our technology enables us to achieve significant scale while delivering exceptional service to advisers, lowering cost to enable the end investor to keep as much return on their investment as possible.
To find out how Betafolio use technology to cut costs, inefficiencies and anxiety for advisers, while improving long-term investment returns for clients visit the Betafolio website.
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