Tuddenham Mill supports hospitality and catering workers with exclusive discount
17/06/2019 - Tuddenham Mill

Tuddenham Mill’s Chef Patron Lee Bye explains to EssexWire why he is excited to support fellow hospitality and catering workers; “I’ve worked in hospitality and catering most of my adult life, and I’ve loved every minute of it. Nowadays, I get to create and prepare amazing seasonal dishes as Chef Patron of Tuddenham Mill, and I consider myself very fortunate to be in this position.
“Yet I also know the challenges this industry brings. The long, often antisocial hours, the fast paced and high-stress environment that is the kitchen, and the layoffs that happen for some, when the high-season finishes. Add into the mix Brexit uncertainty, and general economic worries, and you can see why, particularly for those at the lower level, who have not yet established themselves, the industry can seem difficult at times.
“We have recently launched a special discounted rate for hospitality and catering workers, so they can enjoy a stay in our beautiful boutique hotel at an affordable rate. We’re in a lovely part of the world, and as they say, nobody appreciates great food and service more than an off-duty hospitality worker. For people in often thankless roles in our industry, this is our way of saying thank you.
“I sometimes think back to those early days when I was learning my trade as a chef under various gifted and brilliant individuals. Not only did I get to learn from the best, but at times I was supported and offered kindness by more experienced staff. In fact, wherever I’ve worked, there has always been an incredible sense of camaraderie. It’s something I’ve always remembered, and looked to ‘pay forward’ whenever I can”, said Lee.
The team at Tuddenham will also be supporting Hospitality Action, the Hospitality Industry Benevolent Organisation, during July. The Charity offers vital assistance to all who work within hospitality in the UK and who find themselves in crisis. The charity aims to support people who have suffered a life altering illness, experienced poverty, bereavement or domestic violence, or those have retired from the industry.
Tuddenham Mill will support the cause with a ‘Social Sunday’ fundraiser. They will be doing a special offer each Sunday in July this year, and a percentage of all proceeds will go to Hospitality Action. Visit the website for more information
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