Brantham Athletic FC ready to celebrate International Women’s Day
3/03/2023 - Brantham Leisure Centre

The local club will host a special dedicated ‘open to all’ session to mark the occasion
Brantham Athletic Football Club will be hosting an open training session on March 8th on the main pitch to celebrate International Women’s Day. The open session will run 6-7pm followed by the chance to socialise and enjoy a slice of pizza at Brantham Leisure Centre, sponsored by KBB East Anglia and Clean Connexions.
The session will be free to attend and available to anyone, as the local club continues to increase its presence in and contribution to the growth of women’s football locally and regionally.
The club currently supports girls from age 7yrs (Mini Imps) up to the adult ladies’ team, and even a recently formed ladies’ veterans and recreational group which has grown since its launch in December to now welcome almost thirty attendees every other week.
“A number of our current players will be attending and we are keen to welcome any women and girls, of all ages, for the session – regardless of experience or whether they are currently involved in a team at Brantham” explains organiser Louise Madley, “we have a variety of age groups already playing at the club and we felt this was a great opportunity to celebrate women and girls at Brantham FC and within football in general.”
Louise continued “We really can cater for everyone, women of all abilities and fitness levels. Anyone who would like to come along on the 8th would be made very welcome. ”The club are currently in the planning stages of a Girls Academy, with plans to launch in the 24/25 season. “This is a really exciting time to be involved in women’s and girls’ football and what better day to acknowledge that than on International Womens Day!”
“At Brantham we have 3 girls teams at U13 and U14, with a healthy Ladies team all playing in the Suffolk Girls and Womens League, with the intention to grow with additional girls teams next season and a reserve / development Ladies team as well” commented Charman Peter Crowhurst, “Our Director of Womens Football, Danielle Harvey is working tirelessly to ensure every detail of planning is in place for the future and the ‘open session’ will seek to harness the support of everyone as we turn our dreams into reality”.
There is no need to sign up ahead of time, with anyone wishing to attend to simply turn up just before 6pm. For updates on the event and other club news, visit the Brantham Athletic Facebook page.
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